

Little Casey was dropped off at the Wake County Animal Control Facility because she was having potty issues.  Funny,  she uses the litterbox for us.  In NC Blind and animal control are not good words together.   The law clearly states if an animal is sick, injured or blind they may be killed immediately.  Also if they are an owner surrender, they may be killed immediately.  Lucky for her, she was at one that will try to place the cats.   

Casey & Vince

She is very sweet with the softest fur.  She looks like a sweet fox.  You may watch her today LIVE on http://ustream.tv/blindcatrescue

Thank you so much  for all the wonderful gifts from our Amazon wish list!!

We are blown away at your kindness!!  Amazon often does not tell us your names,  they NEVER give us your contact info so we are not able to personally message you.  Please know how grateful we are to your for your kindness!

These gifts were opened over several days.

Taffey trying to decide which toy to play with

Thank you Julie Robinson for the dry food!
Thank you Cristina Johnson for the kitten food!
Thank you Elisabth Schwartz for the rainbow!
Thank you Sharon Norris for the rainbow!
Thank you Joe for the TV scratcher!
Thank you Kelsey Bigler for the food!
Thank you Louise McBey for the food!
Thank you Glenys Kimber for the scratch and rest, hurricane toy, gain, balls and rainbow!

One of the blankets Sandra made

Thank you Elisabeth Schwartz for the toys!

Thank you Randall Enderle for the rainbow!
Thank you Kourtney Culve for the toys!
Thank you Helen Lawrie for the food and toy!
Thank you unnamed for the toys!
Thank you Margaret Avaltroni for the ear cleaner!
Thank you Sandra Nunes for the blankets!
Thank you Hope Ash for the gift card!

The other one she made

Thank you Crystal Glasgow for the sanitizer!
Thank you Glenys Kimber for the toys!
thank you unnamed for the toys!
Thank you Lisa Bianchi for the toys!
Thank you Kourtney Culver for the freshstep, food, scratcher and toys!
Thank you John Albert Phillips for the petfusion!
Thank you Kristina Vaughan for the trixie cave!
Thank you Kelsey Bigler for the freshstep!
Thank you Melissa Dallago for the toy!
Thank you Laura Lucier for the swiffer!
Thank you Sharon El-Saadi for the kitten food!

Ernest with toys


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