

Manxi was dumped at Animal control in Dallas.  (a very high kill shelter)
She is lucky that the volunteers and employees really liked her and worked hard to raise the money to fly her to us.

As soon as she arrived I knew I was looking at a hypertension cat 
which was confirmed the next day by the vet.  We immediately 
started her on medication.   The sad thing is we suspect that
she was dumped at the pound because she became blind.  Had her
owners immediately taken her to the vet and they high blood
pressure treated,  she may have regained her sight.

If your cat suddenly goes blind  RUSH your cat to the vet
and insist they check the cats blood pressure also.  Humans
get their blood pressure at the vets all the time,  animals rarely get
it done,  you have to advocate for your animal  :)

She likes humans,  not overly fond of other cats although 
as she has adjusted to her blindness she has gotten better. 

Do you walk or run? Have you downloaded your Resqwalk app for your iphone yet? Last week you raised $41.78 for the cats just by walking!! Thank you so much!!!! here is where you can download the app:http://www.resqwalk.com/ droid app coming soon!

You asked for them, now you can purchase our #1 fan shirts for your very ownhttps://www.booster.com/bcr Only available for 2 weeks.

Thank you for the gifts from our Amazon Wish list!


Amazon never gives us your contact information,  often they do not
even have packing slips,  please know how grateful we are to you 
for your kindness!!

Is there catnip in here?

Thank you Cheryl Till for the food, q-tips and floor cleaner!
Thank you Natasha McKnight for the food!
Thank you Carol Sodeika for the toy and trash bags
Thank you Jeanne Fecht-Roberts for the food!

Wendy likes the giant mouse

Thank you unnamed for the trixie mouse cave!
Thank you unnamed for the foods and bracelet!

Pepper wants the bracelet for a toy :)

Don't forget we are in LOTS of contests right now, 
The prize money would help pay for lots of vet coverage for the cats :)
Thank you so much for helping the cats!!

Contest 1:  $50,000!! first prize,
 1 vote every 24 hours   

Contest 2,  $25,000  first prize 

CHARITY JUMP   We need MORE TICKETS to hold First Place.

We are in a charity jump in Raleigh on August 8.  HUMAN Teams will be participating jumping off of a platform 32 feet in the air onto a giant pillow.  The team that jumps the most total feet will win $25,000

You do NOT have to come and jump,  WE will Jump For You!!  

We need you to buy tickets for us to jump :)    Here is the link for team Raleigh,  
Please Only get them for Raleigh,    we have a HUGE team jumping

Here is the link:   http://dareme4charity.com/campaign/630   

 for TEAM RALEIGH, The HUMANS will jump for you if you can not attend, So you can buy a ticket no matter where you are!   If you are in the Raleigh area and would like to come jump with us,  please email me :)

 Please assign your ticket to us to jump! After you get your tickets click my account, my tickets, assign, type in alana@blindcatrescue.com to assign the tickets. Thank you for helping!!

Contest 3,  $1,000.  first prize,  daily vote


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