
WE WILL JUMP FOR YOU! Please BUY A TICKET!  http://dareme4charity.com/campaign/630 You Do NOT have to be there or jump! If you are out of state, out of country, scared of heights, YOU can still help the cats win!! 

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Thank you for the wonderful gifts
 from our Amazon wish lists!

Thank you Katie Severud for the food and toys!
Thank you Kimberly Ferguson for the food!
Thank you Cynthia Hampton for the food!

Thank you so much to the many unnamed people for the following gifts from our Amazon wish list 


Toys, springs, cleaner, magic erasers, bounce dryer sheets, food,  softener,  Giuseppe Cuddly Cave for Pets.     Sadly Amazon did not tell us who you are or how to contact you!

Thank you Donna Edwards for the privacy tent and food!
Thank you Terri Scofield for the toys and bird feeder!
Thank you Marcia Current for the foods, paper towels, cleaner and Toilet paper!!
Thank you Edward Wood for the catnip track toy!

Poisonous Foods and Foods
 Your Cat Should Never Eat
By Jill Anne Sparapany

Alcohol, including beer, liquor, wine and foods containing alcohol
Apple seeds
Apricot seeds and pits
Avocado fruit and pits
Candy and gum *
Cherries, fruit and pits
Dog food
Eggs, raw
Eggplant, the greens
Fat trimmings and bones, table scraps
Grapes and raisins
Milk and all milk products, incl cheese, yogurt, ice cream
Onion, all forms including onion powder
Raw meat and fish
Rhubarb, leaf
Tobacco (or any inhaled substance, such as marijuana or hashish)
Tomato, greens
Too many treats
Tuna as a steady diet
Yeast dough

Your medicines

Alcohol has the same effect on a cat’s liver and brain as a human’s, but it takes far less to cause its damage. Two teaspoons of whisky can cause coma in a 5 lb. cat – one more teaspoon could kill the cat! The higher the alcohol proof, the worse the symptoms.

Caffeine in large enough quantities can be fatal to a cat…there is no antidote! Caffeine poisoning symptoms include restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors and seizures. Caffeine is not only found in tea and coffee – it is also in cocoa, chocolate, colas and high energy stimulant drinks (i.e. Red Bull). Caffeine is also in some cold medicines and painkillers.

* Candy and gum that contain xylitol. Toothpastes may contain small quantities of xylitol. Baked goods and some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol. In sufficient quantities, xylitol can cause an increase in circulating insulin in the bloodstream, resulting in lowering the blood glucose. Extremely low blood sugars can lead to unconsciousness, coma and death. It can also cause liver failure. Early symptoms are vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination. Liver failure can occur within days of ingestion.

Chocolate can be fatal to cats. The toxic substance in chocolate is theobromine, which is found in all chocolate, even white chocolate, and unsweetened baking chocolate. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is for the pet cat (and for pet dogs). Symptoms include abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and death. See BCR blog, Chocolate Toxicity in Cats, Feb. 4, 2014.

Dog food. Occasional bite of dog food will not hurt your cat, but they do not have the same nutrition content. A cat needs food formulated specifically for a cat’s needs, which includes more protein and certain vitamins and fatty acids. Feeding your cat a steady diet of dog food can cause severe malnutrition in your cat.

Eggs, raw. Two harmful conditions can occur with feeding raw eggs to your cat. The possibility of food poisoning from bacteria, salmonella and E.coli, can cause serious illness or death. There is a protein in raw egg whites, avidin, which interferes with the vitamin B biotin absorption and can cause skin or coat problems.

Fat trimmings and bones. Fat, cooked and uncooked, can cause GI upset, including vomiting and diarrhea. DO NOT FEED YOUR CAT ANY BONES! Bones can splinter and cause severe injury or death. The splintered bones can cause obstructions or perforations in the cat’s esophagus, stomach or intestines – all can cause death!

Grapes and raisins are sometimes used as pet treats. It is not known why grapes and raisins cause kidney failure in cats. A very small amount can make a cat sick. Early signs are repeated vomiting and hyperactivity.

Liver. Small amounts of liver are okay, but feeding too much can cause vitamin A toxicity. This affects your cat’s bones causing deformed bones, bony growths on the elbows and spine, and osteoporosis. Vitamin A toxicity can be fatal.

Milk and dairy products. Adult cats cannot tolerate milk or milk products because they lack the enzyme, lactase, which breaks down lactose, milk sugar. It can cause GI upset with diarrhea.

Onions, garlic and chives can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Onion – powdered, raw, cooked or dehydrated – can break down the cat’s red blood cells, causing anemia.

Raw meat and fish. Like raw eggs, they can contain bacteria that cause food poisoning. Also an enzyme in raw fish destroys thiamine, an essential B vitamin. Lack of thiamine causes serious neurological problems, leading to convulsions and coma.

Too many treats. Eating too many treats can lead to obesity and diabetes.

Tuna. Strict diets of tuna can cause malnutrition in your cat because it does not have all the nutrients required. Too much tuna can cause mercury poisoning.

Yeast dough needs to rise before it is baked…and that is what it would do in your cat’s stomach. As dough rises, it stretches the abdomen and causes severe pain. As the yeast ferments to make the dough rise, it produces alcohol that can cause alcohol poisoning.

Medicines prescribed for humans are one of the most common causes of poisoning in cats. Make sure your medicine bottles are out of reach with secure bottle tops. Teach your children to never give your pets ‘medicine’ or candy. Never give your cat any over-the-counter medicine unless advised to do so by your vet. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) are common pain relievers, also contained in cold medicines, and can be deadly for cats.

Cats can open cabinets to pantry foods. Keep food items where your cat cannot get to them or in containers that your cat will not be able to open. Be sure to keep cabinet and pantry doors closed.

What can cats eat? Cats are carnivores and eat meat. Read the labels of your cat food. Meat should be the first item listed!  Commercial cat foods are formulated to have a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals your cat requires to stay healthy. An occasional treat of cooked meat is okay.
If your cat eats what it shouldn't, you need to get your cat to the closest emergency veterinary clinic! 


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