
Wifi wants to tell you how much he loves all the great supporters we have and all the great things people are sending us. Below you can see the link to our Amazon Smile wish list as well as the goodies we have gotten this week. Thank you so much. 

Thank you Laura Hollonds for the freshstep!
Thank you Chad Boyd for the food!
Thank you Nichole for the food and syringes!
Thank You Jennise Valerio for the foods and toys!
Thank you Nicole for all the cases of food and syringes!

Thank you Brian Rice for the foods, litters and toys!
Thank you Allie Fails for the cat litter!
Thank you Carla Santucci for the litter!
Thank you Amanda Green for the food and litter!
Thank you Wilson Matthias for the litter!

Thank you Stephanie Cooper for the food!
Thank you Barbara Drew for the foods and chocolates!!
Thank you Edwin Santoni for the litter!
Thank you Kathy McCormick for the groom toy!
Thank you Janice Reed for the food!

Thank you Remo Deiuliis for the foods!
Thank you Lisa Mikula for the litter!
Thank you Diana Aird for the scratchers and groom toys!
Thank you Bertalicia Garcia for the food!

I have been asking people to send me a email about how they found BCR and what BCR means to them. Below is a letter I got from Maria. Thank you so much Maria for sharing you experiences with BCR.

I’m Maria from the UK in a town called Washington not far from Newcastle.

I was on Oscar the blind cats site on Facebook, when I stumbled on Blind Cat Recue fan page. This was the best stumble ever. It was the Friday before Open House which was Saturday. Since it was the day before Open House, there where visitors staying over in the Guest House, which I did not know anything about at first. It was the noon tour and it was just about over. I found out later it was Suzanne doing tour with Dan, Lynette, Seth and Katherine. Later on that night I also found out that they had chat and boxes. I wondered how to join chat on Ustream so I sent a message and Chris was first member of staff I spoke. This was in July of last year. It changed my life. I love watching the cats.

Saturday was open house. They do a tour of both buildings at noon on open house day. They introduce all the cats. The first cat I saw was princess Lisa also known as moocow Lisa. Fiona was the first one to welcome me to chat and tell me about BCR. Everyone is so friendly. I’ve got loads of friends now from all over the world. I belong to the BCR family am proud to be a part of such a wonderful place. We help each other out and support each other.

It’s great to see the cats in a loving, safe, clean home. Alana and the staff do a great job. You can see how clean the rooms are just by watching on Ustream. The cats never want for anything. They have all the food they want, medical care and love. It was amazing to watch the blind cats. You would never know they were blind. They do everything the seeing cats do, running, playing, jumping. Some even run on the wheels they have in the rooms. Wifi and bob were the first new cats I saw, who came to BCR when I first started watching. 

It’s really great therapy to be able to just log on your computer and pull up live cameras and watch the kitties. If I am having a bad day I just sit and watch them. BCR had several cameras now beside the Ustream one. They also now have MeShare with 3 other cameras in other rooms. So with the Ustream camera that moves to a different room every day, there are plenty of cats to watch.

Since I live in the UK, the time difference is 5 hours from EST which is BCR time. I have my clock set so I don’t miss any tours even the one at 10PM which is 3AM my time. I really hope I can make a trip over to BCR in 2017 so I can meet everyone and spend time with all the cats. BCR has really made a difference in my life not just because of the cats but because of the people that work there as well as the owner Alana. They really make you feel like are a part of everything.  

Don't forget we have Open House this Saturday, May the 14th. as well as a booth
We hope you can come see us at both places.

Please don't forget to click daily. It really adds up.

Thank you so much for the food for the blind, FIV & FELV+ cats!  We are very grateful to you for your generosity and support!!  Purrs and head bonks of thanks from the cats!

Also a special thanks to one of our UStreamers and chatter friends Cheryl Ziegler. She is our screenshot ninja. I am using her pictures for our blog posts. Thank you so much for your great pictures you take during tours and in general.


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