Tiny Kitten Acts Like a Feroucious Lion!

This Tiny Kitten Acts Like A 

Ferocious Wild Lion

by Paul Morris

We all have known that one pet who just think he or she is bigger than all of the other animals. Thereā€™s always that one special little guy who acts 100 times bigger, tougher, and stronger than its actual size, and when you watch the kitten in this adorable video, youā€™ll see that this little fluff-ball fits that category perfectly!
The video starts with this adorable little kitten bouncing around, acting like sheā€™s a ferocious lion. Look at the way she pounces time and time again at the :11 mark. Even her brother (in the background) is quite taken aback at his ferocious little sister!
Weā€™re overjoyed that this happy and healthy little kitten is in such a loving home surrounded by wonderful humans who are willing to get on the floor and play with her. Cats like this thrive and deserve to be given lots of attention and love to ensure that they keep up their confidence like the ferocious feline in the video!
Weā€™re sure that eventually this cute kitty will learn how to control her roar, but until then sheā€™ll just have to trust her stalking and pouncing instincts in order to stay on top of the food chain.
Have you ever had a kitten as terrifying as this? Let us know in the comments below!

Thank you so much for your gifts from our Amazon wish list!!

Amazon often does not give us packing slips and never gives us your contact info so
we have no way to personally thank you.   Please know how grateful we are to you
for your gifts!!

Thank you Barbara Scapelitte for the cat food!
Thank you Cassandra Carpenter for the cat food & toys!
Thank you Christina Black for the cat toys!
Thank you D C Peebler for the cat food!
Thank you Deborah Zicha for the dry food, bleach & cleaner!
Thank you Jacquette Gifford for the cat food!
Thank you Jessica Merchant for the cat food!

Star loves the beds!

Thank you Kenneth Culp for the litter!
Thank you Lisa Mikula for the cat toys!
Thank you Lorna SteMarie for the probiotics!
Thank you Patricia Clayton for the cat food!
Thank you Rebecca Porter for the cat food!
Thank you Unnamed for the cat food, litter & probiotics!
Thank you Unnamed for the cat food, litter, beds & peroxide!

Pepper and Journey love to play with the toys!

Sasha-Felv postive- asks, will you please take a minute and click for the kitties! 


Tiffany-Felv postive-says Please help Blind Cat Rescue Win for the cats! One vote per day, http://www.shelterchallenge.com/
Just put in the words blind cat and click search, when our shelter shows up, just click Vote!

Tabitha (blind) says shirts for sale! 
All net proceeds will go to our building fund to help more leukemia positive kitties like her.   Please Like & Share,  Thank you for helping!!  International shipping is available

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You can easily help the cats.  Here is some cute ebay auctions.

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