
Adorable Cat Saved From House Fire Nurses 

Baby Deer And Other Recovering Animals

By Phil Mutz

The veterinarians, nurses, and volunteers who dedicate their time to nursing
sick or injured animals back to health are absolute heroes.
I have nothing but admiration for those help animals, like the woman who saved a homeless poodle. But when I saw who was helping care for the animals at the Animal Emergency Hospital And Urgent Care in North Carolina? I was absolutely floored.
The workers at the Raleigh vet clinic have been caring for Russell the cat for over a year, after he was severely injured in a tragic fire that took his familyā€™s home. But Russell doesnā€™t seem to know heā€™s a cat, much like the monkey who tried to shower like a human. I couldnā€™t believe these photos of what Russell was doing for the other sick and injured animals coming into the clinic. They completely melted my heart.
This is one of the most adorable and heartwarming things Iā€™ve ever seen!
Please SHARE if you think Russell helping the other animals is as adorable and inspiring as I do.

Thank you so much for your gifts from our Amazon wish list!!

Brandy likes all the toys she gets!

Amazon often does not give us packing slips and never gives us your contact info so
we have no way to personally thank you.   Please know how grateful we are to you
for your gifts!!

Thank you Keith for the foods!
Thank you Joseph Spencer for the fresh steps!
Thank you Turner Rockhill for the fresh steps!
Thank you Bethiah Watson for the fresh step!

Socks loves to lay on the turtle bed!

Thank you Deborah Peets for the toys, food and syringes!
Thank you Robert Dowling for the fresh step!
Thank you Loretta Ora for the food and peroxide!
Thank you Lee OConner for the paper towels!

Thank you Christina Black for the toys!
Thank you Cairo McNeil & Kita Vochinsky for the food!
Thank you Vickie for the food!
Thank you Becky for the food!

Thank you Lisa Richards for the Amazon gift card!

Thank you Stephen & Shannon for the Amazon Gift Card!
Thank you Unnamed for all the foods and room fans!
Thank you Unnamed for the cases of peroxide, sunflower seeds, bug spray/deer off.

Thank you Loretta Ora for the cases of peroxide!
Thank you Andrea Walker for the toys, food and paper towels!
Thank you Robert Dowling for the food and freshstep!
Thank you Michael Johnson for the food and catnip toy!

Thank you Christina Black for all the food!
Thank you Gayle Blackham for the paper towels and foods!
Thank you Marta Avalle-Arce for the foods!
Thank you Taru Ahola for the memorial stone for Nicky!
Thank you Richard Selfridge for all the foods!

Thank you Barbara Diniscia for the cat food!
Thank you Bethiah Watson for the cat food!
Thank you Ester & Puck for the amazon gift card!
Thank you Jack Myers for the cat food & toys!
Thank you Jennifer Fitzpatrick for the amazon gift card!

Thank you Kelly Ayala for the candy!
Thank you Larry Leventhal for the cat food!
Thank you Lettie Mullen for the cat food & toys!
Thank you Linda Mauller for the cat food!
Thank you Natalie Shen for the cat food & toys!

Thank you Gene & Vickie Peltier for the canned tuna!
Thank you Middy, Puff & Gizmo for the toys!
Thank you Rami Bakir for the cat food!
Thank you Unnamed for the peroxide, cat food & toys!
Thank you  Unnamed for the cat food, toys & litter!
Thank you Vickie for the cat food!

Makc-FIV postive- positve asks, will you please take a minute and click for the kitties! 

NEW CONTEST!  Stevie says Please help Blind Cat Rescue Win for the cats! One vote per day, http://www.shelterchallenge.com/
Just put in the words blind cat and click search, when our shelter shows up, just click Vote!

Izzy (blind) says shirts for sale! 
All net proceeds will go to our building fund to help more leukemia positive kitties like her.   Please Like & Share,  Thank you for helping!!  International shipping is available

You can make your very own fundraiser and help the cats too!

Do you like to shop or sell on ebay!  With the fast click on the link
You can easily help the cats.  Here is some cute ebay auctions.

When you shop at Amazon,  if you log in from  http://smile.amazon.com
and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity.  They will make a donation
from their foundation to the cats!  It costs you nothing extra :)

Do you walk or run? 
       If you pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity,  every time you walk/run  they will donate to the cats!'

Facebook is hiding much of our posts!!  To subscribe,  please
   just send an email to   join@blindcatrescue.com  and we will add you :)


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