Does Your Cat Have a Fever? 04/25/2015
Thank you so much for your gifts from our Amazon wish list!!
Snicker claiming the box of litter for himself!
Amazon often does not give us packing slips and never gives us your contact info so
we have no way to personally thank you. Please know how grateful we are to you
for your gifts!!
Thank you Barbara Orloff for the catnip toys!
Thank you Christina Gandley for the cat food!
Thank you Leticia V Demeo for the amazon gift card!
Thank you Linda Carden for the wildlife food!
Thank you Mary Barratt for the cat food and syringes!
Natalie is enjoying her food!
Thank you T, O'Brien for the cat food!
Thank you Vicky & Purdy for the chocolates!
Thank you Tracy M for the amazon gift card!
Thank you Unknown for the cat litter, food and toys!
Gallie playing with the banana toy!

You can make your very own fundraiser and help the cats too!

Please check out the newest fundraiser for the cats at BCR:
Abandoned and alone after Treasure's owner committed suicide his survival was slim. Thanks to a wonderful lady that stepped in to help and the generous support of our community of donors, BCR was able to provide Treasure and other FELV+ cats in serious situations with medical care, shelter and a chance at a wonderful life. Please help us save more cats like Treasure by using āŖ#ādonateā¬ as we raise money to build another building for FELV+ cats.

Do you like to shop or sell on ebay! With the fast click on the link
You can easily help the cats. Here is some cute ebay auctions.
When you shop at Amazon, if you log in from
and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity. They will make a donation
from their foundation to the cats! It costs you nothing extra :)
Do you walk or run?
If you pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity, every time you walk/run they will donate to the cats!
Facebook is hiding much of our posts!! To subscribe, please
just send an email to and we will add you :)
You can easily help the cats. Here is some cute ebay auctions.

When you shop at Amazon, if you log in from
and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity. They will make a donation
from their foundation to the cats! It costs you nothing extra :)
Do you walk or run?
If you pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity, every time you walk/run they will donate to the cats!
Facebook is hiding much of our posts!! To subscribe, please
just send an email to and we will add you :)
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