
9 Snacks You Can Spoil Your Cat With

Some cats are picky eaters while others will try to gobble down just about anything in sight. It can be tough to say no to the cute faces of persistent beggars, but owners are constantly cautioned against sharing people food. But fear not, there are some human foods that can make a safe snack for our cats, so long as they are only fed on occasion. As always, be sure to check with your veterinarian about changing anything in your catā€™s diet.

#1 ā€“ Canned Fish


Canned fish is a feline favorite and itā€™s perfectly safe to offer a small amount periodically. Make sure you purchase canned fish in water with no extra salt or other additives added, as those can be harmful for cats.

#2 ā€“ Green Beans


Green beans are actually a great diet food for cats and dogs alike, as they are full of fiber to make them feel full but lack the calories your cat is normally used to eating. If your cat will eat green beans, raw or steamed without seasonings would make a great snack.

We would like to thank everyone for coming to April open house and enjoyed everyone that came. The cats really love all the attention. Here are a few pictures from them: 

Thank you so much for your gifts from our Amazon wish list!!

Paul would like to help thank everyone!

Amazon often does not give us packing slips and never gives us your contact info so
we have no way to personally thank you.   Please know how grateful we are to you
for your gifts!!

Thank you Amanda de Vera for the cat food and toys!
Thank you Benjamin Benadum for the ear cleaner!
Thank you Chad Simmons for the cat food!
Thank you Cheryl Bremer for the cat food!
Thank you Cheryl Meier for the cat toy!
Thank you Claudie Johnson for the cat food!
Thank you David Hartman for the cat food!

Visitors helping with boxes!

Thank you Dominic Rodriguez for the cat food!
Thank you Dorothy Aldridge for the cat food!
Thank you Frances Ring for the detergent and ear cleaner!
Thank you George Cortellesi for the cat tree and cat food!
Thank you Helen Vose for the cat food!
Thank you Ingrid Boric for the cat food!
Thank you Jenna Miller for the cat toys!

Glen with Candy acting silly!

Thank you Julie Rogers for the cat food!
Thank you Karen Eardley for the trash bags!
Thank you Kathleen Senn for the cat food!
Thank you Marianne Drank for the cat food!
Thank you Mrs. Stewart for the cat food!
Thank you Patricia Bjorling for the cat litter!
Thank you Patricia Vanable for the cat food!

Lisa and Catherine and other visitors opening boxes!

Thank you Shirley Kelly for the cat food!
Thank you Therese Brink for the cat food and trash bags!
Thank you Unknown for the pet fusions, kleenex, food, toys and litter!
Thank you Unknown for the supplements, paper, toys and detergent!
Thank you Valerie Rhodes for the cat food and amazon gift card!
Thank you Victor Sosa for the cat tree!
Thank you Zachary Calardo for the cat food!

Visitors opening boxes!

You can make your very own fundraiser and help the cats too!

Please check out the newest fundraiser for the cats at BCR:

Sasha (FELV+) and Nancy ask will you please click today to help the kitties? Just takes a second smile emoticon Here is the link:
                                         Thank you for helping and sharing smile emoticon heart emoticon

Abandoned and alone after Treasure's owner committed suicide his survival was slim. Thanks to a wonderful lady that stepped in to help and the generous support of our community of donors, BCR was able to provide Treasure and other FELV+ cats in serious situations with medical care, shelter and a chance at a wonderful life. Please help us save more cats like Treasure by using ā€Ŗ#ā€Ždonateā€¬ as we raise money to build another building for FELV+ cats.
On facebook you need to click comments then put #donate and any amount, then you will receive a one time registration form and then we will receive your donations!!!!

Do you like to shop or sell on ebay!  With the fast click on the link
You can easily help the cats.  Here is some cute ebay auctions.

When you shop at Amazon,  if you log in from  http://smile.amazon.com
and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity.  They will make a donation
from their foundation to the cats!  It costs you nothing extra :)

Do you walk or run? 
       If you pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity,  every time you walk/run  they will donate to the cats!

Facebook is hiding much of our posts!!  To subscribe,  please
   just send an email to   join@blindcatrescue.com  and we will add you :)


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