Cat vocalizations: What's on their mind?
this article courtesy of petinsurance-101.com
To read more here is the link: http://cattime.com/cat-vocalizations-pet-insurance-101.htmlCats have a very impressive vocal range that includes purrs, hisses, meows, even chirps. According to French researchers, cat sounds cover more than 60 notes and over the millennia of domestication, many of these sounds have evolved to reach out to the pet parents. We need to know what our beloved feline is trying to tell us.Because cats are highly evolved independent hunters, their need for communication in the wild can be limited. When required, a mother cat will purr or meow to her kittens,growl at predators, or attract mates with chirps. Domesticated cats possess a highly developed communication skill set and cat sounds play an important role here. Another neat piece of information for cat owners is that certain cat breeds are known to be more vocal than others. For example, Siamese cats are more "chatty" compared to the Persians. By the way, did you know that the cry of a cat in heat is called a caterwaul?When we think of cat sounds, we instinctively consider the most famous association ā meow. A cat meow with its different pitches and lengths is the definitive cat sound, closely followed by the purr. Both sounds are a part of our vocabulary in the form of analogies and expressions.
Thank you for the gifts from our Amazon wish list!
Amazon never gives us your contact info, they often do not give us packing slips. Please forgive us for not personally contacting you and thanking you. We are so grateful to you for your support!!
Thank you April Lundberg for the catnip, cat toys, magic erasers and pet odor eliminator!
Thank you Barbara Robles for the cat toy!
Thank you Carey Rich for the cat toys and cat food!
Thank you Dean Brown for the rainbow cat toy!
Thank you Elizabeth Smith for the cat food!
Thank you Hazel Jaske for the pet piller!
Thank you Karen and Sneezr for the Amazon gift card!
Thank you Kelly Torske for the litter, dry cat food, revolution, clavamox and fel-o-vax!
Thank you Kristy Kallander for the Amazon gift card!
Thank you Jerome Lewis for the cat food!
Thank you Jessica Langevin for the cat food and fortiflora!
Thank you Joanne Stoudt for the scratch and rest!
Thank you Joe for the cat food and activated carbon!
Thank you Laura for the cat food!
Thank you Linda Carden for the chocolate bar!
Thank you Michelle DeWitt for the drinkwell filter and fountain!
Thank you Rachael for the pet piller!
Thank you Shaun Skelton for the car food!
Thank you Tom Palmer for the fortiflora!
Thank you Unknown for the post-it note pads, 5x8 note pads, fortiflora and activated carbon!
Thank you Unknown for the rainbow cat toy!
Thank you Valerie Varley for the cat food!
Do you walk or run? The Droid app is finally ready. If you pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity, every time you walk/run they will donate to the cats! (Just remember to hit start, I forgot this morning LOL)
Link: http://www.resqwalk.com/

Thank you so much to all of our wonderful ebay sellers that share so generously with the cats
their auctions! You may find them at http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/charity/blind-cat-rescue-sanctuary-inc/17471/

Another great ebay auction being shared with the cats by a very kind person! We are so blessed to have so many generous people!
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