Does your cat get SAD?

Does your cat get SAD?

The National Institute of Mental Health classifies SAD as a type of depression that changes with the seasons. Common recurring symptoms start in late autumn, continue through winter, and dissipate in sunnier spring and summer seasons. They include lethargy, difficulty staying awake, increased appetite, feeling hopeless or worthless, and social withdrawal. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors may present in the most severe cases in people. 

There isn’t much science-based data to support SAD in cats, but there is the oft-cited owner survey by People’s Dispensary of Sick Animals (PDSA), a veterinary charity in the United Kingdom. It reports that one-third of cat owners said in winter their cat’s mood appeared gloomy or depressed and their appetite increased while energy levels decreased.

So, how can we help our cats feel better if we think they are getting SAD? 

Light Therapy:  This is the gold standard that fills the void of diminished sunlight during winter months. A special full-spectrum light box simulates natural sunlight, which may ease some SAD symptoms.

Lighten up:  Open blinds or curtains to bring in available natural sunlight. Move your cat’s bed into the sunlight, add window perches, or read a book in a sunny corner and invite your cat to soak up the rays with you. Move playtime to well-lit areas–whether natural sunlight or under a light box, it will be good for both of you.

Increase indoor activities:  Exercise does a body good. It releases feel-good endorphins that lift our mood. Increase your cat’s playtime by leaving puzzle feeders out for exploratory scavenger hunts, or surprising her with a new toy.

Go outside: Fresh air and sunshine are two of the best cures for things that ail us. For adventuresome cats, consider a leashed walk (after you’ve practiced indoors so she is accustomed to harness and leash), an outing in a stroller, or other supervised outdoor access. Catios, window units, and fancy chicken coops revamped for cats are all wonderful outdoor options.


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