Snicker's Place 09/22/2015
A interview by Snicker to Angel!
Snicker here, with another of my BCR resident
interviews! With the Pope’s
visit to the US this week, I thought it would like to interview one of our angelic
residents, the one who has been here as long as “Mom”Alana.
mean our Angel, of course! (Maybe the Pope should visit her, too!)
you, Angel, for letting me interview you, today!
You’re welcome, Snicker! I’m happy you want to talk to me! Believe me, us cats love you and these
interviews - the cats that can see make sure that those of us who can’t know what they
say! Sometimes a nice visitor volunteer
or staff friend will read them to us!
love sharing our stories so people know about us, the great
place we live and that all cats are great cats! I hear through the cat-nip vine that you’ve been here longer
than anyone else. Is that true?
It’s true, Snicker! I came
here in early 2006 from a place called Florida. My
foster-dad was very generous and loved us, but there were too many of us in his
house! Besides me, there were six other
kitties there - one of them was Maggie who also came with me to here. Before that, though, we had to go back to the
rescue were we started at. That was very
scary, especially for Maggie. She had
some problems seeing and had already lost her human friend before she turned
one! It made me sad and I tried to cheer
her up. When it was time for us to
leave the shelter we weren’t sure where we were
going or if we’d be ok.
you happy when you realized where you were?
How was the adjustment when you and Maggie got to BCR?
it was harder on Maggie than me. I took
a few days to figure out where I was and that I was safe. I learned that I had friends in my room with
me. Now I love everyone in my room,
which the staff calls Boone’s
harem, whatever that means. Boone is
very big but sweet. We all know that he
will make sure we’re all safe from
bugs and things like that.
Maggie didn’t come with me to
my room. She stayed scared all the time
so Mom Alana decided she could live in the lobby like you do, Snicker. She did ok with that until she flew away from
us a couple of years ago. I know she was
happy here, though. I hear her meow in
my dreams sometimes so I know she’s alright where she is.
people who come every day say that people can see my room with Boone on Fridays
and visit with me when something called “chat and boxes” happen. I like that because I get extra pets!
chat and boxes that much fun?
YES… I love it. I like meeting the
people who love and care for us.
to think of it, I remember some “chat and boxes” in my lobby,
too! You’re right, they are fun!
heard Mom Alana telling someone about the people who extra love me and help
me. I only know their first names but I’m waiting for Cat,
Paul, John, Audrey and Nicole to come see me so I can extra love them
back! There were lots of people here in
the last two days, so I purred whole
lot. Didn’t you, too?
are too funny Angel. I sure did!
that I feel the air getting cooler, I think I want to keep my beautiful fur
long again. I’ll need some brushing,
agree with you! I know Mr. Baron will
give me a good long brush session, but if I want a Man-EE-cure, I think someone
else will need to do it!
You’re funny too! I’m happy we got to
talk, Snicker!
Thank you so much for your gifts from our Amazon wish list!!
Pepper laying in the box!
Amazon often does not give us packing slips and never gives us your contact info so
we have no way to personally thank you.
Please know how grateful we are to you
for your gifts!
Thank you Gina Cook for the foods!
Thank you Lyndsey Anton for the treats, toys and food!
Thank you Shannan Briscoe for the foods!
Thank you Paula Gorrell for all the foods!
Chance and Snicker laying around!
Thank you Lisa Skedd for the food!
Thank you Matt McDonald for the food!
Thank you Jennifer Clemente for the food!
Thank you unnamed for all the foods!
Thank you Misty Martin for the beautiful blankets and toys!
Thank you Rosemary Brooks for the food!
Thank you Sara Engel for the foods!
Serena loves the beds!
Thank you Stephen McReynolds for the foods!
Thank you Robert Rasmussen for the food!
Thank you Lydia High for the food!
Thank you unnamed for the food!
Thank you Karen Hodell for the food!
Thank you Eileen Allingham for the foods!
Thank you Cheryl Fisher for the foods!
Thank you Lynne Nelson for the food!
Thank you Karissa Amendt for the food!
Pepper playing in the tunnel toy!
Thank you Linda for the potty pads!
Thank you unnamed for all the foods!
Thank you Laura for the toys and collar!
LT loves the scratch and brush!
Thank you Susan Levine for the supplements!
Thank you Annamarie Caruso for the cat food and litter!
Thank you Barbara Patterson for the blankets and toys!
Thank you Robert Brown for the cat food!
Thank Taylor Wright for the cat food!
Thank you Victor Sosa for the cat food!
Brandy loves her toys!
Sargent(Fiv postive) hopes that you will please take a minute and click for the kitties! Thank you for helping!
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You can easily help the cats. Here is some cute ebay auctions.

When you shop at Amazon, if you log in from
and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity. They will make a donation
from their foundation to the cats! It costs you nothing extra :)

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