
Cats Can Snore? Well This About Proves It :)

While cats are notorious for constantly catching up on their shut-eye, this cat takes things to a new extreme. This tired kitty was so fast asleep that it went far into dream land and started rolling some serious logs as a result. The cat’s owner was woken up to this sound, and couldn’t help but to turn her snoring cat into a YouTube sensation. See for yourself that cat’s really can snore:

That cat sure was tired! Has your cat ever been caught snoring, too??

Thank you so much for your gifts from our Amazon wish list!!

Boone is like, is there something in there for me!

Amazon often does not give us packing slips and never gives us your contact info so
we have no way to personally thank you.   Please know how grateful we are to you
for your gifts!!

Thank you Allison Zorn for the cat food!
Thank you Billie Parnet for the cat litter!
Thank you Craig Lira for the cat toys!
Thank you Danny Cook for the cat food!
Thank you Douglas Hayes for the cat food!
Thank you Elaine Marshall for the cat food, toys, cleaner and trash bags!
Thank you James Penman for the cat food, toys and cleaner!
Thank you Janet Hamilton for the cat food and toys!
Thank you Jennifer Barendt for the cleaner and cat food!
Thank you Linda Carden for the chocolates, detergent and envelopes!

Tori and Nina are to see what is in the box!

Thank you Liz Lewis for the cleaner!
Thank you Lucy Cole for the cat toys!
Thank you Nadine Cross for the cat food and toys!
Thank you Rose Fischer for the cat food!
Thank you Sondra Jacobi for the cat food and toys!
Thank you Unknown for the cat food, cleaner, soap and toys!!
Thank you Unknown for the facial sponges, food, toys and litter!
Thank you Unknown for the litter, toys. tissue and food!
Thank you Victor Sosa for the cat food!

Angel is so happy for all the boxes!

You can make your very own fundraiser and help the cats too!

Do you like to shop or sell on ebay!  With the fast click on the link
You can easily help the cats.  List an auction or buy a treasure:

When you shop at Amazon,  if you log in from  http://smile.amazon.com
and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity.  They will make a donation
from their foundation to the cats!  It costs you nothing extra :)

Do you walk or run? 
 If you pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity,  every time you walk/run  they will donate to the cats!

Facebook is hiding much of our posts!!  To subscribe,  please
         just send an email to   join@blindcatrescue.com  and we will add you :)

Marge says "What, you haven't clicked for the cats yet?"
Just takes a second and is free for you smile emoticon Please share


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