Take a Peek at the Inside Life of Cats


 Why do they do what they do?

It's easy to spend hours pondering what's really going on in your cat's mind.  How many times have you said to your cat "If you could just talk for five minutes to tell me what's going on!"  Lots of scientists and animal behaviorists have been thinking about this, too, and they have some theories about what is really on a cat's mind.

Taken from an article by everydaymonkey.com, here is a look at just a few of the cat behaviors that drive owners nuts!

     "Why Cats Cry at Night

While you are fast asleep, your cat is usually prowling around the house. They are far more active at night which is usually not a problem, until they start wailing loudly and wake you up.

These wails occur when a cat is trying to catch prey inside the house. If they cannot find any mice or insects to leap on, they might cry out of frustration.

There isn't much you can do to stop this wailing other than play with your cat during the day so it gets tired out at night and sleeps when you do.

      Why Cats Ignore You

Cats are intelligent beings but they are also undeniably stubborn. When you call a dog's name, he will come bounding up to you but when you call a cat's name, they will more likely ignore you altogether.

This is not because they do not understand their name. It is actually because they just don't want to go to you. They like to show affection on their own terms and will come and say hello to you when they feel like it.

     Why Cats Chew On Plastic

If your cat suddenly starts showing an interest in chewing things that aren't food, it may be time to take a trip to the vet.

Chewing plastic is a sign of a condition called "pica." Experts believe that cats chew objects as a sign of anxiety and stress or because they are suffering from nutritional problems. If your cat does this frequently, it can be very bad for their digestive system and you should probably seek advice from a professional.

     When Your Cat Follows You To The Bathroom

Considering how independent cats consider themselves to be, they can display some pretty needy kinds of behavior. For example, they occasionally follow you into the bathroom when you were planning on doing your business alone.

Experts aren't quite sure why cats do this but they suspect that it is a comfort thing. Cats can feel vulnerable without their owners so they might like to keep close by. Other experts reckon they are just curious and want to see what's going on behind closed doors."

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