Winter Shelters for Outdoor Cats - DIY



Feral cat shelters built by The Hundred Cat Foundation

As cold weather approaches, warm safe spots for outdoor cats get harder and harder to find.  The good news is that it's very easy and cost effective to put together shelters that can be those safe warm spots!  If you'd rather purchase one than DIY, those are available too.

Warm shelters are especially critical for stray cats and those who live in feral colonies. Check your area for TNR groups who might need a hand providing shelters for colonies near you.

Early fall is a great time to start putting winter shelters together.  That way, when the truly cold weather comes, outdoor cats will know they have a place to go to get warm!   Once your shelters are in place, keep an eye on them throughout the winter to make sure they are holding up, still waterproof and that the straw and anything else you have inside is still fresh.

Lots of How-to Info:

Check out all the different DIY winter shelters there are!  CLICK HERE 

Great tips from the experts for making your DIY shelter durable and waterproof.  CLICK HERE

Want to see a video on how to create a DIY shelter?  CLICK HERE






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