Cool Cats Beat the Heat


It's summer and here comes the hot weather!  During the hot months, it's really important to keep your cats cool whether they live indoors or outdoors or a combination of both.

As cats evolved, they were programmed to beat the heat by staying in the shade during the day and doing their hunting at night.  This ancient part of a cat's make-up is still present - does your cat play at night or get the crazies and run around the house?  They're just doing what comes naturally! 

Unlike humans, cat's can't sweat from their whole bodies, just from their paw pads.  (Have you noticed when your cat is at the vet that his paws sweat?)  That means the longer or fluffier a cat's hair, the harder it will be for them to stay cool.  It's not just the long-haired cats who have trouble, though. Cats with flatter faces  - Persians and those with some Persian cat in them - also have trouble with breathing when it's hot.  As you'd expect, senior kitties and those with chronic health problem or some extra weight are more likely to suffer when it's really hot.  It's best to keep the seniors inside where the temperature is cooler and maintained.

One note about cats and cars when it's hot - if you have to take your cat out in your car, run the air conditioner and do not leave him/her in the car while you run errands - not even with the car running.  There are too many possible disasters that could happen.  It takes only a few minutes for a dog or cat to be overcome by the heat in a car and to die from it.

As you know from the BCR cats - like Lisa, Sterling, Bear and Misty, to name a few - a summer hair cut goes a long way to making cats more comfortable in the hot months.  You've seen how much the BCR cats enjoy NOT having all that hair to deal with and it keeps them much cooler.  Please don't attempt this level of grooming yourself, though.  Find a reputable groomer or ask your vet about it!  In addition to cooling your cat down, a good haircut can get rid of any unseen hair mats if your cat doesn't enjoy being brushed.

When its hot, inside cats have it a little easier but they still need assistance.  They need lots of fresh cool water so keep a few bowls in your house for them.  If you have rooms or upstairs spaces in your house that get extra warm, close those doors to keep the kitties out.  That way there's no chance they could accidentally be trapped in those rooms.  At the same time, if you have a cooler area or room in your house, help make that really attractive to your cat by putting a few favorite treats there.  Another trick is to put some floor tiles down in that area.  As you've seen on tours, the BCR cats LOVE to lie on the catio concrete floors because they feel cool!  Tiles will do the same thing for your cat.

If your cat does have safe outdoor access, they'll need shade and fresh clean water.  It's also a good idea to let them out only in the morning or evening when temperatures aren't at their hottest.  Mid-day is a good time for some inside time!

One unusual tip for keeping kitties cool is a frozen water bottle!  Wrapped in a towel or light blanket and put near their favorite sleeping areas, it offers your cat a cool spot to lie on.  

 CLICK HERE to find some more info and ideas on kitty cooling during the hot months!


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