Thank You! 12/21/19
Thank you to the many unnamed people for the food,  vitamins, syringes, toys, round scratchers, scratch and rests and beds!  Amazon has not been putting packing slips in 80% of the boxes so we do not know who you are.  Please know we very much appreciate all you do for the cats!!!

Thank you so much Linda for all the syringes, magic erasers, glass cleaner, and office supplies!
Thank you Paula Clinton and David Johns  for the food and syringes!
Thank you Lorna  Stemarie for the food!
Thank you Bhavana Pai for all the cases of food!
Thank you MJ Himmesltein for the food!
Thank you Sarah Swanger for the food!

Thank you Melanie Lulue for the food and syringes!
Thank you Sara Carver for the syringes!
Thank you Connie Deadman for the scratcher!
Thank you Colin Williams for  the syringes, water pump, and food
Thank you Sandy Brown for the food!
Thank you Amy Yampanis for the hummingbird toys!

Thank you Mona Matous for the food!
Thank you Jane Toth-Barton for the food!
Thank you Joan Brooks for the food!
Thank you Dorothy Stead for the syringes!
Thank you to the many unnamed people for the syringes, bleach tablets shelter enrichment box, vitamins, couch scratchers, toys, cleaning towels, Halo treats and food!

Thank you Laura Weber for the water filters, filters, cat nip toys, scratch and rests, syringes
Thank you Dianna Roberts for the food!
Thank you Bhavana Pai for the food!
Thank you Dean Brown for the foods and syringes!
Thank you Linda for the food, trash bags and bird seed!
Thank you Shelly Heil  for the gift card!

Thank you Cinderz Hope for the food!
Thank you Danielle Elliott for the food!
Thank you Amanda Green for the cookies!
Thank you Nancy Danrow for the treats and towels!
Thank you Connie Deadman for the big fluffy bed, syringes, face masks, magic erasers, and gloves.
Thank you Sarah Stacy for the food!
Thank you Michael Tongish for the food!
Thank you Michelle Tocci for the toy!
Thank you Troy & Angela Thompson for the charcoal filters!


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