
Thank you to everyone that sent goodies to the kitties 
from our wish list. 
Below is a link to both our wish lists as we know 
have one for Walmart too. 
Thank you so much. 
For information on our Walmart link and how
to use it please go here:
Make sure you read the info about how to order :)


Thank you Marci Bork for the food and bleach!
Thank you unnamed for all the bleach!
Thank you Suzanne Ellis for all the food!
Thank you Holly Roe for for the food!

Thank you Joseph & Lynda Rousseau for the food and bleach!
Thank you unnamed and 9 cats for all the food!
Thank you Laura, Gracie, Otis and Kyle Webber for the bleach!
Thank you Patricia McElroy for the food!
Thank you Valerie & Christopher Reho for the food!

Thank you Katherine McDonald for the food!
Thank you unnamed for the catnip toys!
Thank you Joseph & Lynda Rousseau for the laundry soap!
Thank you Linda for the bird seed and apple juice!
Thank you Anonymous for the food!

Thank you unnamed for the syringes!
Thank you Casey Luke for the food!
Thank you Philomena Quinn for the food!
Thank you Katherine McDonald for all the food!
Thank you David & Lisa Troutman for the filters!

The blog is going to be going through some more changes
in the next couple of weeks. A bit of a 
re-design so just bear with us :) 


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