Cats and Christmas Trees



Right about now we all start decorating for the holidays and that includes a tree!  Is your cat fascinated by Christmas trees, whether real or manufactured?  Is every ornament a temptation?  We love our Christmas trees but our cats see them very differently - big toys loaded with things to explore!

We all want to enjoy our Christmas trees, and there are tons of great “hacks” out there from fellow cat owners that could help you handle this problem!  Here are a few ideas from to keep the holidays merry and bright for your tree and your cat! 
Put orange oil soaked ribbons on the tree – not a pleasant smell for cats!
Put tin foil around the base of the tree – cats are not fond of the feel of foil!
Get a hanging Christmas tree.
Sprinkle pepper around or near your tree – another sensation cats do not love!
Find shatterproof ornaments.
Put cloves in oranges and hang them from your tree.
Anchor your tree to the wall.
Use a toddler gate around the tree.
Spray peppermint oil on the tree – this idea helped LOTS of people
We’ve put a bunch of great ideas and successful hacks on our Pinterest page - 
CLICK HERE to check them out. 
**Do you rely on tried-and-true techniques for keeping your kitty and tree apart? 
Share them on our Friends of BCR page!


With all the helpful ideas out there, everyone agrees on a couple of safety tips: 
     *  No tinsel or angel hair on the tree!  While they may look really pretty, they can cause intestinal blockages or choking if eaten by a cat. 
     * Unplug any lights while you aren't in the room with the tree.  They can be a hazard for cats who tend to chew on wires.  To be safe, frequently check the exposed cords for teeth marks.  If you see your cat start to drool, have difficulty breathing, or seem to have unusual mental or physical problems, that could indicate electric shock.  Check the wires to be sure and if you see chew marks, get your cat to the vet asap.
     * Use a covered tree stand.  It may seem strange but the water in the tree base keeping your tree green can also be poisonous to your cat if it includes additives or if fertilizer seeps into it.  

Holiday decorating is so much fun and makes our homes seem so festive at the holidays!  No need to skip it if you have cats, just be aware and make some adjustments so everyone enjoys the tree!


  1. I know you were happy to have your family with you for Thanksgiving - we all have a lot to be thankful for. That's a cool idea. Look at how cute you are. I think our kitty have a similar cat tree. I have a toy for your cat an Invigorating Laser for Pets. I hope she likes it.
    Enjoy Your Christmas Vacation.


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