

Today is Annie’s Day. She is such a cutie and a very sweet cat. Most people know her because she does something pretty cool. Her tail curls up on her back unless she is relaxed and asleep.

Annie would like to thank all the wonderful supporters for all the great gifts they have sent from our  Amazon Smile wish list.
Thank you Debbie Wass for the litters!
Thank you Mary Kathleen Brown for the litters!
Thank you Kate Simmons for the litter!
Thank you James Hurst for the litter!
Thank you Karen Johnson for the litter!
Thank you Melissa Miles for the litter!
Thank you Marci Bork for the litter!

Thank you unnamed for all the cases of food!
Thank you Stephanie Cooper for the food!
Thank you Kelly Shedlock for the foods!
Thank you Doris Boyd for the foods!
Thank you Bonnie Grenier for the food!
Thank you Paul, Dan, Vee, Dreama, Darren and Arthur for the food!


Thank you Margaret Misiewicz for the Amazon Gift Card!
Thank you Harold Anderson for the scratch and rest!
Thank you Kristen Belyski for the foods!
Thank you Annette Osnos for the toys and food!
Thank you Sue Lawson for the food!


Thank you Brian and Carrie for the headstone for Ray!
BCR has a wonderful memorial garden for all the kitties when they travel over to Rainbow Bridge. People will send little things to put out there to remember their favorite cat.
Thank you Donna for the food!
Thank you Keith Belski for all the foods!
Thank you Debbie Waas for the food!
Thank you Heather Null for the food!
Thank you Rosalyn Green for the Amazon Gift Card!


Thank you Dena Kirkland for the food!
Thank you Melissa Miles for the litter!
Thank you Patricia de la Bretonne for the food!
Thank you  Laura Harper for the food and toys!
Thank you Michael Grotzke for the amazon gift card!
Thank you to all the unnamed people for the nutrical, food, litter, hand santizer, toys, catnip


Amazon Gift Cards are great. We use them to buy all those extra things we need around BCR.
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Once again thank you for supporting BCR and the kitties.

The kitties do love their litter. This litter is really good for both our kitties and yours:

Arm & Hammer Multi-Cat Litter, 20 Lbs

Arm & Hammer Super Scoop Litter, Unscented, 40 Lbs

Arm & Hammer Multi-Cat Litter, 20 Lbs


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