
Assassin Kitties! OMG Those Costumes! Those Faces! They Have Defeated Me!


These are professionally trained stunt kittiesā€¦do not try this at home, folks! No kitties were harmed in the making of this video

As the release date comes around for the much anticipated Assassinā€™s Creed Unity video game for PS4, gaming folks couldnā€™t resist doing a kitty version. And they are geniuses! These kitty assassinā€™s could easily destroy you with just one meowā€¦destroy you will their cuteness, that is!

Read/View more at http://blog.theanimalrescuesite.com/assassinkittiescostumes/#ZBipuL4Xo9EMqmfT.99

Thank you so much for your gifts from our Amazon wish list!!

Carrot loves to lay on the scratch and rest!

Amazon often does not give us packing slips and never gives us your contact info so
we have no way to personally thank you.   Please know how grateful we are to you
for your gifts!!

Thank you Annamarie Caruso for the cat food, trash bags and cleaner!
Thank you Ashleigh Munger for the banana toy!
Thank you Kristin Snyder for the cat food and filters!
Thank you Lisa Skedd for the cat toys!
Thank you Lois Ryan for the cat food!
Thank you Tracy Sims for the cat food!
Thank you Unknown for the filters, food, toys and litter!

Hermes licking his lips after eating his yummy food!

Domino asking, will you please take a minute and click for the kitties! smile emoticon heart emoticon http://shopforyourcause.com/click-to-donate/donate?ctd=4Thank you for helping!

You can make your very own fundraiser and help the cats too!

You asked for them, Here they are, World's Best Cat Dad T- Shirts! Available in 5 colors, sizes up to 4X, International shipping available! Get yours now and have it in time for Father's day! order here:http://www.booster.com/bcrfd

Comes in Lt. Blue, Gray, White and Lt Red!

Welcome to BCR Tattoo Us Fundraiser's Page

We will be trying to raise at least $4,500 for the cats of BCR. Now that we raised $2,500 Dan Gulde and Lynette Pretends Eagle will get the BCR Logo tattoo. Now that we raised $3,500 Chris BlindCat, and Fiona Dudley will get a BCR tattoo. If/When we reach $4,500 Johanna MƤkiniitty Os JƤrvinen (Jess on chat) and Gena Anderberg, our ladies in Europe, will get a BCR tattoo. If/When we reach $5,500 Nancy Schodowski will get a BCR tattoo. If you are interested in jumping on board, we would LOVE for someone to join up with Nancy at the $5,500 level. We are open for more people to join and include for the next level. If interested, contact any of the people listed above or BCR.
Thank you for visiting. :) This cause is very dear to us, and we'll appreciate all the support we can get! Together we can make a difference!!! <3 a="" all="" and="" href="http://blindcatrescue.org/fundraise.htm?/tattoomeforbcr" love="" peace="" style="text-decoration: none;" target="_blank" to="">blindcatrescue.org/fundraise.htm?/tattoomeforbcr

Do you like to shop or sell on ebay!  With the fast click on the link
You can easily help the cats.  Here is some cute ebay auctions.

When you shop at Amazon,  if you log in from  http://smile.amazon.com
and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity.  They will make a donation
from their foundation to the cats!  It costs you nothing extra :)

Do you walk or run? 
       If you pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity,  every time you walk/run  they will donate to the cats!

Facebook is hiding much of our posts!!  To subscribe,  please
   just send an email to   join@blindcatrescue.com  and we will add you :)


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