Thank You! 7/1/22



          Amazon Wish list

Chewy wish list: 

Walmart wish list: 


Thank you Bhavana Pai for all the food!

Thank you Michael H. for the food and litter!

Thank you Daria for the care package for popcorn!

Thank you several unnamed people for the food, treats, syringes, fans, litter and toys!
They didn't tell us who you are so we could thank you personally!!

Thank you Bhavana Pai for all the food!

Thank you Nancy & Tim David for the toys, pill pockets and food!

Thank you Christina Berry for the diabetic strips!

Thank you Ronnie Williams for the toys, joint supplements, pill pockets, food and treats!

Thank you several unnamed people for the food, treats, toys and litter!
They did not tell us who you are so we could personally thank you.

Thank you Sara Meunier for the catnip and food!

Thank you Amy Baranowski for the toys and food!

Thank you Ate-Bit Bakery for the natural treats!!

Thank you several unnamed people for the food, treats, toys and litter!
They did not tell us who you are so we could personally thank you.


Thank you Gene Streck for all the diabetic supplies!

Thank you Jack Miller for the syringes and bowls!

Thank you Ronnie Williams for the treats!

Thank you Ione Brown for the bowls and cute beds!!

Thank you several unnamed people for the food, treats, syringes toys and litter!
They did not tell us who you are so we could personally thank you.


Thank you Ione for the cute bed!

Thank you Carin Elwell for the bowls and catnip toy!

Thank you Florence Kaczorowski for the food and litter!

Thank you Sarah Dunn for the toys and food!

Thank you Stephanie Cooper for the popcorn popup!

Thank you Patricia Hutcheson and Nanami for the bowls, syringes & litter!

Thank you Joyce Wales for the food!

Thank you John Rotella for the filters, bowls and trash bags!

Thank you Sarah Dunn for the toys and food!

Thank you Ronnie Williams for the food!

Thank you unnamed for the diabetic strips!!


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