Thank You! 8/24/22


          Amazon Wish list

Chewy wish list: 

Walmart wish list:


Thank you Bhavana Pai for the food!

Thank you Michael for the syringes, cat litter and probiotics!

Thank you Tom, Arina, Vester & Snape for the food and diabetic test strips!

Thank you unnamed for the probiotic,  food, cat litter & toys!

Thank you Joyce Wales for the food!

Thank you Deanna for the magic erasers!

Thank you DB for the food, magic erasers

Thank you Joannie Jones for the gas drops and cat litter!

Thank you Keely James for the gas drops, magic erasers, syringes,
toys,  water fountain filters and cat litter!

Thank you many unnamed people for the food, treats, Churu's and litter, syringes and toys!
They did not tell us who you are so we could personally thank you, we are grateful for your generosity!

Thank you Betty for the Chewy gift card!

Thank you John Zukowski for the food and syringes!

Thank you Janet Garraputa for the litter and food!

Thank you Connie Quebbemann for the food, cleaning towels and gloves!

Thank you many unnamed people for the food, treats, Churu's and litter, syringes and toys!
They did not tell us who you are so we could personally thank you, we are grateful for your generosity!

Thank you Carol Cronkhite for the bleach, trash bags, food, syringes, and pill pockets!

Thank you Keely James for the tunnel, trash bags, laundry soap, and food!

Thank you Nancy Damrow for the tunnel!

Thank you many unnamed people for the food, treats, Churu's and litter, syringes and toys!
They did not tell us who you are so we could personally thank you, we are grateful for your generosity!


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