
The kitties thank you once again for 
everything you have sent to them. 
As always we appreciate everything you do for them.
Our wish list link is below.

Thank you Dean Brown for all the food and toys!
Thank you Linda for all the laundry soap!
Thank you Fraser Hall for the food!
Thank you B. Lufkin for the syringes!

Thank you Christina Gandley for all the food and litter!
Thank you Karen Cook for the gift card, Memorial stones and memorial angel!
Thak you Connie Quebbemann for the food!
Thank you Lorilyne Pinterton for the food!

Thank you Linda for all the gloves and mask!
Thank you unnamed for the gloves!
Thank you unnamed for the food!

Thank you Linda for all the laundry soap!
Thank you Jennibee for the food!
THank you Dean Brown for the food!
Thank you B. Lufkin for the food and gas drops!
Thank you SIlver Casanova for the food!

Thank you Karen Cook for the statue for the memorial garden!
Thank you unnamed for the banana bed!
Thank you Katie Mutzevaugh for all the cat beds!
Thank you Gail and Robert Misurda for all the food!
Thank you Stephanie Harrison for the bleach packets and food!


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