Today is Stevies Day!
Mr Stevie would like to thank everyone that has been sending
Mr Stevie would like to thank everyone that has been sending
all the wonderful items to the kitties.
He would also like to remind you that if you would like
to send something you can use the link below.
Thank you Bruce Hensler for the gift cards!
Thank you Kristen Bloschak for the food and scratch and rest!
Thank you Beth and Dan Watts for the foods!
Thank you Lynn Tapella for the food!
Thank you Teresa Decker for the foods!
Thank you Sarah Stacy for the food!
Thank you Linda for the bleach and bird seed!
Thank you Terry and Frances for the bleach, towels and Lysol donated in Memory of Gene Burkhardt - We are so sorry for your loss!!
Thank you unnamed for the bleach, food and ear cleaner!
Thank you Dawn Naska for the beds!
Thank you Lauren Coen for the gas drops!
Thank you unnamed for the gas drops!
Thank you Jeanne Rumble for the Amazon gift card!
Thank you Kai Schaffelhuber for the Amazon gift card!
Thank you Linda Gann for the Amazon gift card!
Thank you Elizabeth Watt for the gas drops!
Thank you Bev Peterson for the syringes!
Thank you Mark Milbert for the food!
Thank you Ivan & family for the laundry soap and water filters!
Thank you LInda for the laundry soap and gas drops!
Thank you Teresa Decker for the batteries!
Thank you unnamed for all the Toilet Paper!
Thank you unnamed for the paper towels!
Thank you Stephen DeNicholas for the food!
Thank you Casey Luke for the gas drops!
Thank you Dawn Naska for all the beds!
Thank you to the many unnamed people who sent food, syringes and gas drops!
Raffle Raffle Raffle
Stevie purrs and says get your Raffle Tickets while they are hot!
Raffle Ticket link here ==>Raffle Tickets
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