
                               How Long Do Cats Live?

We have facts and figures on the average cat lifespan, for indoor as well as outdoor cats.

"A novel must be exceptionally good to live as long as the average cat." This aphorism is widely attributed to Philip Stanhope, the Fourth Earl of Chesterfield. Lord Chesterfield lived through the period of English literary history when novels were just becoming popular, and there was already a sense that all forms of media were ephemeral. This was the age of Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels, two novels that are still read today, but also of Love in Excess and Hermsprong, two that have largely been forgotten.
What did Chesterfield have in mind? How long do cats live on average? What are the facts on cats' longevity? Here at Catster, we've done the research on the average cat lifespan and have all the information you need. We've crunched the numbers and can tell you that, like novels, the life expectancy of cats depends on a variety of circumstances, including environment, diet, and health. We'll give you information on everything ranging from the general question "How long do cats live?" to the average age of the "current" oldest living cat, the average of the outlying ages, and the averages for indoor and outdoor cat lifespan.

Average cat lifespan

How long do cats live? Environment, maintenance, health, and whether the cat is spayed or neutered -- all of these factors matter when thinking about average lifespans. Sterilization can be a significant factor. Spaying and neutering removes the risk of developing diseases that can affect a cat's reproductive system in old age. It has become a truism on the Internet, that, with access to current medical and dietary advancements, the ideal cat "can" or "may" live to 20 years and older. Based on a survey of 10 reputable sites that discuss the average domestic cat, the numbers are more inconsistent, ranging from 10 to 20 years. The average domestic cat lifespan comes out to 15.1 years. 
Breed is certainly a factor. We could list out each breed, but then we'd be here forever. Our research suggests that mixed breed cats are, in general, hardier and live longer than purebred cats. Have a question about a specific breed's longevity? Please consult the Catster Cat Breed compendium! Here, we're concerned, like Lord Chesterfield, with "the average cat." On average, female cats live one to two years longer than male cats. On average, indoor cats live longer than outdoor cats. On average, wild, homeless, and feral cats live dramatically shorter lives than domestic cats. 

How long do indoor cats live?

All the research we've done overwhelmingly suggests that indoor cats live nearly three times as long as outdoor cats. How long do cats live if they're indoor cats? Indoor cats are typically sterilized, vaccinated, and removed from the stresses, risks, and dangers of the outside world. They are fed regularly and have easy access to water that is fresh and clean.
They require more attention, more distractions, and must be encouraged to get sufficient exercise to avoid obesity. Fortunately, attentive cat owners provide all of those things. The numbers varied widely among all the sites we visited, ranging from 14 to 20 years. Based on the numbers we chronicled, the average lifespan of an indoor cat is 16.875 years.

How long do outdoor cats live?

Our research shows that outdoors, a number of challenges tend to limit the average cat lifespan. Of course, "outside" means different things depending on where a cat lives. Do you live in an urban, suburban, rural, or remote location? How many neighbors have outdoor cats? Do you live in a place with an abundance of predatory wildlife? Are there feral or stray animals nearby? Is the weather amenable year-round to an outdoor lifestyle? How close do you live to roads and thoroughfares?
These are all limiting factors, as are increased exposure to fleas, ticks, and other parasites and illnesses. Outdoors, cats can also get in fights and scrapes with other cats and are at increased risk of accidents. However, they also have the freedom to explore, mark out favored perches, and get natural exercise. Because there are so many more unpredictable variables, the numbers are generally not good, and cat lifespan ranges much more widely, anywhere from three to 10 years. The average cat lifespan outdoors is 5.625 years. 

How long can cats live?

I can hear you saying, "But my cat ..." These numbers are all averages. My cat, Klesko, has always been an outdoor cat and she's 15 years old. There are always outliers that defy averages. The Guinness Book of World Records lists the oldest recorded cat age was attained by Creme Puff, a cat who passed away in Austin, Texas, at 38 years and three days old, a truly grand, almost incomprehensible age. The age of the "current" oldest living cat is much more variable because that information can go out of date at any given moment.
Reviewing the last several years' worth of information, I've seen the "current" oldest cat have ages ranging from 23 to 36. In the last decade, the average oldest living cat is 29.857 years old. Who is the current record holder? Rather than risk our own obsolescence, we suggest that you check with the Guinness site. Its page on "Oldest Cat Living" wisely and expressly states that the current record holder is a flexible and changeable position.

How long have your cats lived?

The picture above is of Doctor Frankenstein, a Norwegian Forest Cat, adopted at the age of seven. Her owner, Alexis, avers that her cat will live as long as she does. That will be a record-breaking cat indeed!
We want to hear how old your cats are! What is the longest-lived cat you've ever owned, heard of, or seen? Share your stories, photos, and memories in the comments!

Project Big Fix

We are committed to spay/neutering 1500 cats in 2015.

In 2014 we started this program in November and spayed/neutered 142 cats preventing hundreds of innocent homeless babies being born this spring.  With your help,  we can help more cats. 

after 10 years,  this figure is in the hundreds of thousands.  

Cats entering traditional animal control facilities have only 3 possible outcomes,
being adopted, reunited with an owner or killed.  Feral cats are not socialized to humans and have no owners to claim them,  for them, 99.9% of the time, the only outcome for them is death.  

These animals are the most significant populations facing animal control facilities today. 

The act of spaying/neutering will have a great impact on improving individual cats lives.  No more having 2-3 litters of babies per year!  In a female cats
productive years,  she could have up to 100 kittens!!

Please help us make a huge difference in their lives,  Please help us be part of the solution and not the problem.  Please make a donation today to help us help them.
Be a part of improving the future for these cats :)

 https://www.booster.com/bcrfix1500 100% of the proceeds from the shirt sales will go to spay/neutering cats. Bless you for helping us change their lives! 

Thank you so much for the gifts from our Amazon wishlist!!    http://amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/14VUTQST8F5XH

Amazon does not ever give us your contact info.  Often
we do not even get a packing slip!  Please know
how grateful we are to you for your kindness and generosity!

Mack loves to lay on the boxes!

Thank you Baotran Bui for the cat food and toys!
Thank you Bobbi Stark for the cat food!
Thank you Brandi Harrison the cat food!
Thank you Carl Wetterling for the dusters!
Thank you Christian Lokotsch for the cat food and cleaner!
Thank you Claudie Johnson for the cat food!
Thank you Feline Freaks for the calendar and generous check!
Thank you John Resch for the cat litter!

Meadow love to play with the tower toy!

Thank you Linda Carden for the coffee organizers!
Thank you Lyndia Lowell-Sherman for the cat food!
Thank you Melina Iacovone for the cat food and toys!
Thank you Nancy Moore for the gorgeous blanket!
Thank you Peggy Parzo for the cat meds!
Thank you Reese Sanders for the cat food!
Thank you Samantha Trent for the cat food!
Thank you Unknown for the alligator bed and play cube!
Thank you Unknown for the cat food, litter, pet beds and toys!
Thank you Unknown for the pinnacle, holistic, weruva, bff cat food!

Chance laying on the dryer in a comfy bed!

Crinkle ball toys!

Pros: Cats love to play with them and easy to carry around in there mouth.
          Great for cats that like noisy toys to play with.
          Can be wash to clean.
          When stepping on they does not hurt.
          Good price for how many you get.

Cons: If goes into water bowl changes water to the color.
          Can only wash a couple of times before having to throw away.

When you shop at Amazon,  if you log in from  http://smile.amazon.com
and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity.  They will make a donation
from their foundation to the cats!  It costs you nothing extra :)

Do you try to watch us on Roku?  As you know this last week or so our Roku channel has been down alot... The problem is apparently ustream.tv does not like to play with others very well...  If the channel is down, you can still see us live every day on http://ustream.tv/blindcatrescue   
We are trying to find another way to broadcast on Roku.. We appreciate your patience :)

We love our eBay sellers and buyers!!  There are many many auctions being generously shared with the cats!  You may find them at  http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/charity/blind-cat-rescue-sanctuary-inc/17471/

Here is a wonderful auction being shared with the cats by a wonderful ebay seller! Thank you so much for your kindness! Hope you check it out:

Do you like

Do you shop with Schwan's?  They have a charitable program that makes a donation to the cats each time you place an order with them...  You can find out details here:  https://www.schwans-cares.com/campaigns/12579-blind-cat-kitty-care 

Do you walk or run? 
 If you pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity,  every time you walk/run  they will donate to the cats!

Facebook is hiding much of our posts!!  To subscribe,  please
         just send an email to   join@blindcatrescue.com  and we will add you :)

CFC #67324


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