Lots of contests to vote in that will help the cats :)
Lots of Vote Reminders:
1. WALKIE WAY http://www.facebook.com/pages/WalkieWay/104548826277702 One vote per person for the whole contest. Click LIKE, then on their wall write the words Blind Cat Rescue $1,000 prize. You have to be on Facebook for this.
2. Big Apple Supply: http://www.facebook.com/BigApplePetSupply One vote per person for whole contest. Click on the sweepstakes tab, (click Like if you did not do it in the last contest) $1,000 prize You have to be on Facebook for this
3. Animal Rescue Site: DAILY vote In the shelter box name write only the words: blind cat For the state pick NC and click search. Make sure you remember to identify your animal on the next page.
Thank you so much to everyone who votes! The prize money will all be added to our FEL/FIV+ building funds. Please share the link with your friends and family!
We vote for you every day on the Animal Rescue Site!!